Son Heung-min, and Jennie are getting younger? The 'Counting age' disappears into history
Korea's strange age is changing? Based on Western age, the whole nation will be a year or two younger! Koreans are confused?!
Jennie, South Korea's leading entertainer, and Son Heung-min, a soccer player, are expected to forcibly get younger. The method of counting the age used in Korea is "Korean age", which is different from the "Western age" commonly used worldwide.
Korean babies are one year old as soon as they are born. How will it change from now on?
Because of the "Counting age", Koreans whose birthday has not passed will have three ages. For example, those born on January 31, 2000 fall under all three ages as of January 1, 2022
①21 years old (administrative/civil law) = Western age
②23 years old = Counting age (=Korean age)
③22 years old (Military Service Act / Youth Protection Act) = Yearly age
As a result, the child born on December 31 will turn two years old in Korean age two days after being born on January 1, the next day, A child born on January 1, 2021 and a child born on December 31, 2021 remain friends for life, but a child born on January 1, 2022 bust treat a child born a day before as a lifelong senior.
Which country in Asia uses "Western age"?
"Counting age" is only in Korea around the world. China, Japan, and Vietnam are all abandoned.
Often, "Counting age" is known to have been used mainly in East Asian Chinese character cultures such as Korea, China, Japan, and Vietnam. East Asian age calculation is a concept derived from China, and continues in a way that the newborn starts at the age of one, becomes two in the second year, and three in the third year.
However, Japan legally banned the use of "Counting age" in 1950, and China has not used the counting age since the 10-year Cultural Revolution in 1966-1976. Vietnam has not been used throughout the French colonial era, and North Korea has officially used the "Western age" since the 1980s. Although there are differences by generation, it is known to be in the settlement stage. After all, Korea is the only country in the world that uses "counting age."
Is it a welcoming atmosphere?
The reason why "Western Age" is not emotionally established in Korea is that Korea's own "culture" that determines respect and rank with age is cited. With the emergence of the new generation, the MZ generation, public opinion has grown that the culture of vertical ranking and uniform class should now be overturned.
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